

finally: some photos from our new neighborhood, lowry! people are either yay or nay about lowry, and any negatives come from the fact that lowry is a "planned community".

lowry has a rich history. it used to be an air force base. before the base even closed, it was decided it would be redeveloped into a living area. in an awesomely forward-thinking move, they also made a lot of green decisions, which won lowry a bunch of sustainability awards. 

town center. we have a grocery store, coffee shops, a pizza place, everything we need within walking distance!

a cute little chapel. perfect for an elopement, right? {note: you can tell i wrote this in that stressful couple of weeks where we didn't have a venue or date and were seriously considering not doing a big wedding!}

park that i run through everyday. it is paid for by the lowry foundation and is book/reading themed. it has a bunch of neat quotes etched into the walls.

the air and space museum. we have to get there soon to do a tour!

besides the old hangers that have been turned into the restaurant district {including the beer garden}, you see signs of the air force history all over town. from apartment numbers decorated with wings, to sculptures in the shape of planes, it's a nice nod to history.

we love lowry! come visit - we'll get a super pretzel!

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