
christmas at our house.

welcome to our house! it's holiday decor overload time.

this post was alternately titled, "a christmas decoration hoarder comes clean".

doesn't that wreath totally look kate spade-ish? target. of course.

there it is! freshly cut down and now decorated.

christmas nativity via dayspring. which i heard about from local fav the mom creative. my friend sandra has the same thing, and filled hers with color-changing lights.

stockings! handmade from zaney jane's. it looks like she is sold out for this season, but i really would recommend her. they're super high-quality and look just as good this year as they did last.

and a close-up of the tree. i could have included photos of about a dozen different ornaments that are special to me, but i think this one sums it up. i don't think i've ever told the story on here, but b and i went to the same college, ohio university. {an amazing j school, the best bar scene (for when you turn 21), our football team went to the mac championship this year... i could go on and on about ou.} anyway, we went to the same school, took some of the same classes, knew some of the same people, etc. but never met each other. so, it's only fitting that we have a place on our tree to celebrate the school we both love that eventually brought us together. 

oh christmas, it makes me emotional, clearly.

happy wednesday, friends!